Talking to prospects and potential investors. One of fun, the other sucks. You can take a guess which one is which. Building a startup, eh!
It’s time to build, Amygda
Here’s a story of why I am building Amygda. And why I believe machines don’t have to break.
Are we humans?
The time we let toilet roll become the most important thing in our life.
Don’t focus on building ethical products
Disclaimer: any future HR folks doing a background search on me. Please read the whole post. I am not suggesting folks do anything unethical.
Whose business is it anyway to disrupt?
If you have an idea, and then think, it’s not really your business. Maybe that’s the best time to poke your nose in that business.
Can you change people’s minds? (spoiler alert: No)
Changing people’s mind is no easy task. We are dealing with humans. Humans, who have developed a mind, a mind so complex, one crafted by nature through centuries of refinement.
Customers build mediocre products
There, I said it. Asking your customers what to build leads to mediocre products being developed. It’s time we stop procrastinating.
Distribution is as important as Innovation
Distribution is figuring out how will you get your shiny toy into the hands of your customers. Don’t just innovate, distribute better.
Unpopular opinion: Corporates CAN act like a startup
Corporates are slow dumb dinosaurs waiting to be disrupted. Was the title of one report. So, some ways Corporates can act like a startup.
Leaving Rolls-Royce
I began with one objective. To put a dent in the universe. Rolls-Royce gave me the opportunity. Now it’s time to move-on.